Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kingdom Hall

Yehowa Adansefo, that's how you say Jehovah's Witnesses in Twi.  And here is the Kingdom Hall.  It's an old theatre that is in bad disrepair.  However, the branch has decided to take it down and rebuild a Kingdom Hall and Assembly site, open air.  Many places were bidding on this property, but when the Branch found out it was for sale, they put in an offer and it was accepted right away.

Jeremy and Deann


  1. It's so exciting to read your updates! I love the picture of the little kids! How adorable! Their smile is contagious. Hope you are all having a great time!

  2. It's amazing to see how Jehovah's hands are working. I'm starting to get jealous, your experience so far looks and sounds incredible.
