Monday, January 17, 2011

Jet Lag and Granite Soup

Yes, it's 2am here and I can't sleep, what a surprise. But I did wake up with a smile, thinking about "Granite Soup". :)

I LOVE the accent here. Beautiful and charismatic. But when we first arrived, I wondered if I'd understand. They talk very fast with a much different inflection. Emphasis on the T's and they take out the R's. It didn't take long to catch on. One thing I didn't just misunderstand though was when we were talking about local food. One dish that is popular that we will soon try is Peanut Soup. They call it 'Granite Soup' - or at least that's what it sounds like. Come to find out, what they're saying is ground-nut-soup, very fast. :)  Interesting, later when we were talking about fruit I mentioned pomegranates and I got a funny look - our dear friend traveling with us said "Oh...pom-nuts?" I'm not sure if there is a connection but I asked if they call it that because it ends with the same word that sounds like "granite." She just laughed.

Everyone learns english early on in school here so everyone we've met so far speaks english (a concept that I think the US should adopt - why aren't we all bilingual at an early age??) But we've attempted to learn some common words in one of the local languages, Twi (pronounced 'tree') - these are a few that we've added to our vocabulary so far:

Ma-dah-see = thank you
A-kwaa-ba = welcome
Ya-bishia = see you later or meet again

That's all for now.


  1. YUMMY! Well i guess let me know!!
    I was so bummed you were short a bag until i read on! So glad you got it! I agree on learning more than 1 language, still thinking about it now!
    Talk to you soon!

  2. Hi Guys!
    We are so happy that you made it to Ghana safely - Thank Jehovah! Have fun and be safe!

  3. Thank you for sharing the new words. I'm going to practice daily so I can welcome you back in love w/a little "Tree". May Jehovah bless your days.

  4. I hope you don't mind if I look in on your blog to follow you great adventure. Sister from NC

  5. Thank you for all the comments. Keep 'em coming, we love them. We will hopefully have internet tonight so we can blog more often. Also, for those who use the 'Anonymous' comment, please sign your name so we can see who you are.

  6. I love the pictures of our brothers and sisters and Bethel, it makes us realize we are a family on this big planet...Keep em coming! Our love to you all. Can't wait to see all your pictures and hear your stories!!

  7. What an encouragement you've been to us all! Many an eye is twinkling in anticipation of your updates. Thank you for including all of us on your journey. Luv ya, Mom, Bill and Tony

  8. What beautiful people, those are excellent photo's. Cant wait to hear about your experiences there...Love . Bill, Ivy and tony
